GDRMc Github

All my work...

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Welcome to my github page.

I am Gregory Daly (GDRMc, GDR, also known as n5bt, 5unburn, or many other related names). I am a french programmer, that's what i'm studying right now. I am filling this page to show all the things i am working on. It can be the work i have to do for school to all the crazy projects i have in mind.

I love coffee, american series, doing some homework sometimes. I enjoy solving bugs (no, i am not crazy). I really love finding the solution of my problems, challenges, expecially when i'm in front of a computer with an editor. And SOMETIMES, i play some videogames.

I used to code in JAVA, i started learning it since 2014. I enjoy doing websites in HTML/CSS with some JQuery and PHP sometimes, that's what i learnt. Oh, and i'm learning C.

ALL MY GITHUB REPOSITORIES ! (Please follow me! :3)

Personnal projects:

EzNote (JAVA)

Pronounce "easynote". This project is about creating a lightweight text editor in java, with basic functionalities.
Go to the repository, see my sources, issues, and more... !
dl Download the latest EzNote release

CityGame (JAVA)

A base core for a "Monopoly like" game. Discontinued for the moment.
Go to the repository, see my sources, issues, and more... !

School repositories:

Programmation Orientée Objet (JAVA) fr

Sounds really nice in french ! This is all the work i study in JAVA this year. It's the french equivalent of Object Oriented Development.
Go to the repository, see my sources, issues, and more... !

Administration et programmation système (Bash) fr

L2-S2 Université de La Rochelle - Administration et programmation système
Access the repository (French) !

Transmission, Systèmes et Réseaux (Bash / Java) fr

L2-S2 Université de La Rochelle - Transmission, Systèmes et Réseaux
Access the repository (French) !

MultiConsoleChat (JAVA) fr

L2-S2 Université de La Rochelle - Transmission, Systèmes et Réseaux. Socket de chat multi-client / serveur en ligne de commande
Access the repository (French) !

Old school repositories: (discontinued)

Algorithmique et Structure de Données (JAVA) fr

Algorithms and Data Structure. This is a JAVA class i got last year. This repository is discontinued but you can access all the sources !
Go to the repository, see my sources, issues, and more... ! Directed Work

ScrabbleDev (JAVA) fr

Related to the last repository. This is a Scrabble game i had to put in a project to test it. I don't really remember if it works, but it's here !
Go to the repository, see my sources, issues, and more... !


All the basics of JAVA i learnt in class since i used Netbeans
First Repository ! Second Repository !